Saturday, May 28, 2011

Obama and Zuckerberg Cool with Paying More Taxes

Obama and Zuckerberg Cool with Paying More Taxes

I think its about time this happened in all developed nations. All the super rich ass people should seriously be taxed so that they are contributing to the welfare of there own countries.
If more and more people did adopt this strategy then we wouldn't need to depend on the IMF to bail countries out and get raped in the end.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

In part 1 & 2 the main topic of discussion was stressed on getting your basics of blogging solidified. You need to understand what your main objective is and what result you want to achieve through hours of typing or simply spending only a couple of hours a day to get your message across.

Its very simple, there is something that we all want to get out of blogging. It doesn't always have to do with making money. I personally know alot of bloggers who focus on issues as Peace, charity, and non-profit purposes which is great. My philosophy in the blogosphere , is that no matter what your main goal is; at the end of the day you MUST give something back to society. I'm not talking about giving a donation, not always..Its great to be generous that way. By all means, guys and girls..if you have some spare change please donate wisely and ensure your money is going the right places.

Apart from donating money, you can share your ideas and opinions through your blogging on any topic. Be it political, social, technological, sports knowledge, nutrition and health, sex, marital issues, how to bring up children tips, being a good parent and the list goes on. Remember give back to society, we all need some honest and realistic advice which will enrich our skills to better our daily lives.

I've noticed, over the past few years that real life examples are the most followed topics's. Therefore, even if your making up a story, please please ensure that the facts and figures are realistic enough so that your audience can rather believe you or at least be able to relate to your story. Actually, in 2010 all the top movies that came out were about real-life situations and they won awards...lots of them too. So take that as bonus free advice that your already getting from my blog.

I would love to hear your experiences and suggestions on Blog improvement as well.

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